see の用法_#37_送り届ける_3
・In hours we will see the old year out and bring the new one in. (数時間後には行く年を送り、来る年を迎えることになります。) The Singles Gym - Getting You Fit For Love and Relationships
・Fortunately, a truck eventually came along and provided enough gas to see us the rest of the way. (ありがたいことに、やっとのことでトラックが一台やってきて、目的地まで到達できるだけのガソリンを提供してくれた。) Task force Russia still hard at work: for 10 years, the U.S.-Russia Commission has plumbed the former Soviet Union for clues to the fate of American MIAs from four wars. Here is the 10th anniversary progress report - page 3 | VFW Magazine
次回は、「知覚動詞」の see を扱います。