20230531 guess の用法_38_名詞の連語_5_have another guess coming



guess の用法_38_名詞の連語_5_have another guess coming


本日は have another guess coming. の用法を扱います。

・But if you think the wife didn't turn the world upside down, you have another guess coming. Off she ran to the director to convince him that the boy really could do it; just give him a chance to take the exams over again! (でも、もし奥さんが全力を尽くさなかったと思っているなら、それは大間違いだよ。彼女はすぐに校長のところへ駆け込み、その子は本当にできるんだ、と説得したんだ。もう一度試験を受け直すチャンスを彼に与えてほしいとね!) Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories

【研究】have another guess coming で「もう一度考える」を意味します。

次回は Your guess is as good as mine. の用法を扱います。