draw の用法_18_他動詞_18_取り出す・引っ張り出す_3
・At that time four men came in my house and drew a gun on me; I was sitting in my bed and the baby was yelling. (そのとき 4 人の男が部屋に入ってきて私に銃を向けました。ベッドに腰掛け赤ん坊が泣いているときでした。)Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, So Far as Regards the Execution of the Laws, and Safety of the Lives and Property of the Citizens of the United States and Testimony Taken: Testimony taken by the committee (July 7-Nov. 8, 1871) Georgia
【研究】draw a gun on A で「A に銃を向ける」を意味します。