drive の用法_16_他動詞_16_追いやる・駆り立てる_6
・Not everything, she says, is worth an argument: With my first marriage, it used to drive me insane that my ex expected traditional roles?my job to do laundry, cook, clean, etc. while his job was to fix cars, cut the grass, and um . . . well that's about it. (全てが問題というわけではなかったと彼女は言う。最初の結婚は前の夫が私に求めていたことでとてもいらいらしたの。私の仕事は洗濯をして食事を作り部屋を掃除してといったこと。彼は車を直したり、芝生の手入れをしたりって感じかしら。) The Secrets of Happily Married Women
【研究】1. It used to drive A insane that SV... で「