depend の用法_15_連語_5_ It [That] (all) depends.
本日は It [That] (all) depends. の用法を扱います。
・She raised her eyebrow still looking at the menu said to him “that all depends”. “Depends on what?” he asked her. “What you want the outcome to be” she told him and he replied back “O really”. (メニューから目を離さずに彼女は眉を上げて彼に言った。「まあ状況次第ね。」「何の状況?」「だから結果として何を求めるかでしょ。」「ほう、そうかい。」) Not All of the Nuts Are in the Can
次回は(You can [may]) depend on [upon] it (that) ...の用法を扱います。